The Images
You can choose from various red-cyan and freeview options. Here's what they are:
Anaglyph (red-cyan glasses)
Optimized - A color version designed to minimize strobing with reds and blues
Grey - All color removed, so no color problems
Full Color - Straight color channel mix. May have strobing with reds and blues
Half Color - Half color mix, less strobing than full color
True - A raw channel mix
Parallel - Left and right images side by side, for a stereoscopic viewer or parallel freeviewing
Cross-Eye - Left and right images reversed, to be viewed crosseyed. Try changing the width and gap settings until you find a comfortable size.
Flicker - Quickly alternates the left and right images, try changing the width and rate settings to see what works for you
Left - Just the left image
Right - Just the right image
The Cameras
These images were captured using a pair of Canon a540 cameras running the SDM firmware, a variant of CHDK.
The left and right cameras were mounted on a custom aluminium frame with the lenses ~6" apart and triggered simultaneously.
All images ©Aaron Zygmunt 2014. To be used with permission only